Zoom Guidelines

Zoom is a communications platform that combines video conferencing, online meetings, chat, and mobile collaboration. The Consortium will primarily use Zoom for hosting meetings for such things as the Steering Committee, monthly NIH meetings, and web presentations or conferences.

Zoom has a robust help/tutorial center. This document covers the basics of how the Consortium will utilize Zoom.

Getting Started

The Consortium has a Zoom subscription with a limited number of pro user accounts. If you have a need for a pro user account for use within the Consortium, please email admin@hubmapconsortium.org. You must indicate an email that will manage the account.

User Privileges

A pro user is an account user who can host unlimited meetings on the public cloud. By default, they can host meetings with up to 100 participants and large meeting licenses are available for additional capacity. Pro users have these additional features available over a basic account:

  • Customize Personal Meeting ID
  • Record to the Zoom cloud
  • Be an alternative host
  • Assign others to schedule and schedule on behalf of
  • Utilize account add-ons such as conference room connector
  • Be assigned user add-ons such as large meeting, webinar, or personal audio conference

Scheduling Meetings

Zoom offers multiple methods to schedule a meeting, including through the Zoom web portal, mobile app, desktop client, or browser plugin.

Meeting Details

  • Name your meeting to describe the topic.
  • Choose the date, time, duration, and timezone.
  • If appropriate, check the Recurring Meeting box and set the recurrence schedule. - You may also require registration and toggle video/audio settings.

Meeting Options - Best Practices

  • It is often beneficial to select Enable join before host. This allows participants to join the meeting room and converse before the host arrives rather than sit on hold.
  • For meetings with many participants, it is recommended to select Mute participants upon entry. This will cut down on audio mishaps where people unwittingly talk to the group during presentations.
  • You may set admin@hubmapconsortium.org and hubmap@mail.nih.gov as Alternative Hosts. If either of these accounts are attending your meeting and something goes awry, they can then step in as hosts. You may set other alternative hosts, but they must have a Zoom user account.