What is HuBMAP?

The Human BioMolecular Atlas Program is working to catalyze the development of a framework for mapping the human body at single cell resolution.

What are Some of the Goals of HuBMAP?

Accelerate the development of tools and techniques for constructing high resolution 3D spatial maps that quantify biomolecules


Establish an open data platform to develop novel approaches for integrating, visualizing and modeling imaging and omics data to be reusable by the global research community


Coordinate and collaborate with other funding agencies, programs, and the biomedical research community to build the framework

Who Can Use HuBMAP?

Data and tools generated by the consortium are open to the public and are intended for use by the broad research community, including (but not limited to):

Computational researchers




Technology Developers

What will be Included in Future Data Releases?

HuBMAP will continue to add additional datasets as they become available, and future releases will include:

New assay types & associated data
Updated metadata specifications
Additional 3D reference organs
New search & navigation features
And much more...

Want to get news on future data releases and Data Portal enhancements ?

Who is HuBMAP?

HuBMAP consists of 18 funded components at over 50 research institutions across the U.S. and Europe. Four types of initiatives compose the program:

HuBMAP Integration, Visualization and Engagement
Rapid Technology Implementation
Tissue Mapping Centers
Transformative Technology Development

Read more about the roles played by each component.

The scope of tissues, technologies, data management, and community engagement will scale up over the eight-year duration of the program.